Able Player Fallback Test

This page includes three examples of media elements with fallback content:

  1. An HTML <audio> element, with fallback HTML content nested inside it.
  2. An HTML <video> element, with fallback HTML content nested inside it.
  3. Another HTML <video> element, with no fallback content. In this example, the fallback content is provided by Able Player.

If the media has a **poster** attribute, the image identified in the poster is displayed, but is slightly transparent in order to communicate that something isn't quite right.

To test the fallback in a modern browser, add the data-test-fallback attribute to the <audio> or <video> element.

For additional demos see the Index of Able Player Examples.

Audio Example with Nested Fallback Content

Video Example with Nested Fallback Content

Video Example with No Nested Fallback Content